How to Ace an Interview, Change a Tire, Talk to a Guy, & 97 Other Skills You Need to Thrive

Published May 15th 2018
by Fleming H. Revell Company
Everything you need to know to be prepared, confident, and successful
As you grow up and make your mark on the world, you're going to run into plenty of situations that require you to be confident and capable. But it's hard to be either when you don't know what you're doing! If you want to have it all together, The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life is your go-to resource. With great illustrations and step-by-step instructions for almost everything a young woman needs to know, this book shows you how to
· introduce yourself
· change a flat tire
· respectfully break up with a guy
· leave a tip
· apply for a job
· ask for a promotion
· behave during a traffic stop
· create a personal budget
· wash your face
· clear a clogged drain
· iron a shirt
· wear a scarf
· shoot a basketball
· and much more
The world needs women of character who don't wait for others to do what needs to be done. With The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life, you'll be well on your way to impressing everyone around you with your skill, confidence, and grace under pressure.
As you grow up and make your mark on the world, you're going to run into plenty of situations that require you to be confident and capable. But it's hard to be either when you don't know what you're doing! If you want to have it all together, The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life is your go-to resource. With great illustrations and step-by-step instructions for almost everything a young woman needs to know, this book shows you how to
· introduce yourself
· change a flat tire
· respectfully break up with a guy
· leave a tip
· apply for a job
· ask for a promotion
· behave during a traffic stop
· create a personal budget
· wash your face
· clear a clogged drain
· iron a shirt
· wear a scarf
· shoot a basketball
· and much more
The world needs women of character who don't wait for others to do what needs to be done. With The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life, you'll be well on your way to impressing everyone around you with your skill, confidence, and grace under pressure.
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Meet the Authors:
Jonathan Catherman is the author of the bestselling The Manual to Manhood and The Manual to Middle School. An award-winning cultural strategist and a leading education trainer specializing in the character and leadership development of youth, Jonathan speaks worldwide about the principles and strengths that empower greatness in children, teens, and young adults. Jonathan and his wife, Erica, live in North Carolina, where they work together to raise their family, which includes teenagers and a couple of big dogs. Learn more at
My Thoughts:
Wow! I loved this book.
When I saw the book my first thought was I've got to get this book. My daughter just recently graduated from college and as I was sitting in the auditorium the thought that hit me was, "This is it! She's grown." Then the panic set in. Yes, major panic. I began thinking of all the things I had possible forgot to teach her or even talk to her about. Honestly this may sound ridiculous to some, but others know exactly what I'm talking about.
There are "life" lessons we start teaching our children from day one and continue this process as they grow. Occasionally we forget one or maybe it hasn't come up in conversation, so this was what was going through my mind on her graduation day. When my book arrived, which was after her graduation, I saw so many things listed that I had forgotten (how to clear a clogged drain, how to change a tire, how to iron a shirt, how to create a budget, etc.). As you can imagine, yes my daughter is the new owner of this book and she loved it. There are areas we've covered, but there are some we've not so it's perfect for her.
Let me begin by saying this book is perfect for girls from middle school to adults. It is divided into 10 chapters:
-Guys & Dating
-Social Skills & Manners
-Work & Ethics
-Wealth & Money Management
-Health & Beauty
-Clothes & Fashion
-Sports & Recreation
-Cars & Driving
-Food & Cooking
Tools & Fix-It
Each chapter is well written and easy to understand with a "Did You Know" box included at the end of each section. This is a book that will build confidence when you know what is the expected, the proper way to do things and just basic knowledge to navigate areas in your life.
This is a book I would recommend to anyone. It's perfect as a gift or even to keep for yourself. I must admit I wish this book had of been around when my daughter was much younger.
**I received this book from the publisher as part of their book bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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