Dangerous prayers happen
when you turn your all over to God and offer yourself as a living
sacrifice (Romans 12:1). They don’t take you to a comfortable, easy
place. They test you, stretch you, and take you where you wouldn’t have
chosen. They change not only your life but the lives of other people.
Join gifted speaker and award-winning author, Cheri Fuller, as she
illustrates—from Bible times to today—what happens when God’s people
pray dangerous prayers. Each of the 21 chapters is rooted in scripture
and weaves together a beautiful tapestry of lives and kingdoms impacted
through the power of prayer.
September 1st 2015
by Shiloh Run Press
5 Stars
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters,
in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a
living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-
this is your true and proper worship.
~Romans12:1 NIV
My Thoughts:
My what intriguing title was my first thought when I saw this book.
What exactly did the author mean by a dangerous prayer?
Most of us when we go to our Lord in prayer are thankful for our many blessings and the trials that God lays on our hearts. A trial maybe the illness of a loved one or maybe situation that guidance is needed, but do we ever stop and ask what God wants us to do? Do we ever say "Whatever you need Lord" or simply "Use me!".
In this book Cheri Fuller explains what a dangerous prayer is and shares stories of people who have prayed those prayers, stepped out of their comfort zones and went on to accomplish some great works that have made a huge difference to others.
When I started reading this book I had a hard time putting it down. Each story touched my heart. Some of the stories show people stepping out on a large scale and others on a small scale. Taking the first step is the most important and then letting God lead the way. The very last chapter challenges the reader if they are ready to pray that dangerous prayer and reap the rewards of it.
A wonderful book full of insight into doing good works for God.
I would recommend this to anyone.
*I received this book from Barbour Publishing for a honest opinion without bias or outside influence as stated above.
Meet the Author:
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